Sports Therapy Advice for Slippery Weather

by Claire Short on November 27, 2024 in Uncategorized

As winter sets in, slippery conditions become a common challenge for athletes. Whether it’s frost-covered grass, rain-soaked pitches, or muddy roads, these conditions can increase the risk of injury. However, with the right preparation and mindset, you can crack on! Choose the Right Footwear The first line of defense against slips and falls is proper […]

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Hamstring strain
Running Injuries

by Claire Short on November 7, 2024 in KLaser

Running injuries can be frustrating setbacks for you when you’re eager to get back to training or simply to enjoy the sport you love. Injuries such as Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, and knee strains are common due to the repetitive impact and high demand placed on your joints and muscles. Recovery can feel slow, but […]

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by Claire Short on September 24, 2024 in Reflexology

Lymphoedema is a condition that occurs when the lymphatic system, which helps remove waste and toxins from the body, becomes blocked or damaged, causing a buildup of fluid. This can lead to uncomfortable swelling, often in the arms or legs, making everyday tasks feel harder than they should. Whether lymphoedema is the result of surgery, […]

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The Epley Manoeuvre for Vertigo & Dizziness

by Claire Short on September 21, 2024 in Epley Manoeuvre

If you’ve ever been hit with sudden dizziness or a spinning sensation when moving your head, you could be experiencing Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). This common condition occurs when tiny calcium particles (called canaliths) in the inner ear become dislodged and affect your balance. Symptoms often happen when you change positions—like turning over in […]

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sports therapy
Sports Therapy

by Claire Short on August 21, 2024 in KLaser

Whether your pain is in the foot, knee, hip or back our sports therapists are ready to reduce your pain, speed up your healing and help improve your performance. Our athletes include kickboxers, ultra marathon runners, triathletes and cyclists. The thing they have in common is pain. Our sports therapists aim to stop the pain […]

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Back Pain from Standing Still

by Claire Short on July 10, 2024 in Uncategorized

We all know that standing still is bad for us and can cause back pain, but how do you deal with this if you HAVE to stand still? For example if you’re standing still in a queue, or if you’re on your feet all day at work? Here are some ideas: 1. Wriggle your toes! […]

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Flip Flops

by Claire Short on April 1, 2024 in Uncategorized

After all the rain we’ve had it might seem unlikely that the sun will ever shine again. Hopefully it will peek out from behind the clouds soon, and when it does, what are you going to put on your feet? If you start getting pain on the sole or top of your foot, or if […]

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Gardening injuries

by Claire Short on August 8, 2023 in Uncategorized

Isn’t it true that the more you garden the more you discover it’s not the slow, ponderous activity non-gardeners think it is. The main problem with gardening is that you don’t realise until it’s too late just how much you’ve hurt yourself. • Leaning over weeds for half an hour and bending over the potting […]

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gardening injuries
Gardening Injuries

by Claire Short on April 20, 2023 in Acupuncture

Isn’t it true that the more you garden the more you discover it’s not the slow, ponderous activity non-gardeners think it is. The main problem with gardening is that you don’t realise until it’s too late just how much you’ve hurt yourself. • Leaning over weeds for half an hour and bending over the potting […]

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Hamstring strain
Muscle Strain

by Claire Short on April 20, 2023 in Uncategorized

Muscles get strained when they are over stretched. Sometimes the injury involves more than one muscle and can be so painful you feel you can’t move the joint. Strains might only hurt when the muscle is put on stretch, or when you lift something. The good news is that they normally heal quickly, but if […]

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