Leg, knee, ankle pain

Has the pain in your leg, knee, ankle or foot stopped you from walking properly?

Is it causing your other leg to ache because it’s taking all the weight?

Are you fed up with limping and depending on people to help you get around?

Any pain in your leg is frustrating, and it can change the way you move so that other areas start to ache too.

We see all sorts of lower limb problems, from sciatica to heel pain. And we know that the first thing you need is a diagnosis. You need to know what is causing the pain, which muscles, joints, ligaments or cartilage are damaged, and what you can do about it – or whether it’s something completely different that needs specialist investigations.

So what can cause these pains?

  • Sciatica – if the pain shoots down the back of your leg it could be sciatica.
  • Hip pain – if you’ve pulled a muscle or over-strained it you can end up with pain that radiates into the neck and shoulders. You might find it aches until you turn to one side, at which point the pain becomes much worse
  • Knee pain – it’s not just footballers who injure knees!
  • Calf pain – it’s common for calf muscles to be torn during sport, but you can damage them by running for a bus too.
  • Surgery – we all know we should do rehab after surgery, but are you doing the right exercises?
  • Ankle pain – treatment for sprained ankles or ankle injuries can be slow. Make sure you’re doing the right things.
  • Foot pain – your foot pain could be caused by a huge variety of problems. Don’t just self diagnose with the internet – get it checked out.
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Rhodri Griffiths says:
“I can’t believe how many footballers and tennis players we see with knee problems!”
Ashgrove is very welcoming and professional. I can highly recommend The Ashgrove Clinic, they are absolutely brilliant. E Walker

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Georgia says:

Free consultations!

It’s not always easy to work out what therapy might be the best for you.

Our 20 minute free consultations are there for exactly that reason.

Please use one of these to come and see whether we think we can help you. Come and tell us about the pain. Let us do the rest.

Georgia Brawn (Registered Osteopath)

If you think your pain might be sciatica get it checked out. There are lots of causes of sciatica and you need to know what’s causing yours.Pierre Bonnaud, Chartered Physiotherapist

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