Back pain may sound like a minor injury, but it can have a massive impact on your life…

Have you got pain when putting on your socks? Are you having difficulty holding the kids or heavy weights? Have you got an achey back when gardening? Or is pain stopping you from training?

Back pain doesn’t always start after lifting heavy objects, it can strike when you bend to pick up something tiny like a sock. Or it can start gradually after a heavy day gardening.

The thing is, that whatever the origin of the injury, if your back is hurting you need to know the mechanics of the problem so you know how to look after it, how to prevent it happening again and how to avoid aggravating it.

Our aim is to find that underlying cause and fix it.

We understand the mechanics of back pain. We also understand the frustration of not being able to work, train, garden, look after the kids or walk the dog. We will do our best to get you pain free as fast as possible so that you can get back to your normal activities.

Common causes of back pain:

Download the ‘You do not have a slipped disc” brochure
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Friends and family may give you advice about what to do to help your back pain, but without knowing the cause of the pain their advice might aggravate the problem.Ruth Walker (Osteopath)

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Want to know what the 3 common causes of back pain are and how to fix them?

Take a look at our FREE brochure!

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We’ve seen almost every injury you can imagine, from sneezing injuries, ladder falls, sports injuries and dog walking incidents. We’ve even seen back pain caused by a chocolate-related fall!

Book a free 20 minute consultation with us and come and find out whether we can help you.
Claire Short (Osteopath)

Claire & Jo say:

We can help!

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“Treatment could have you returning to your normal daily activities, so don’t let the pain get you down!

Don’t put up with the pain, come for a free 20 minute consultation and see if we can help.”

Claire Short & Joanne Jones (Registered Osteopaths) and Badger the Dog (Black Labrador)

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